King Khalid Awards - please check updated information on

King Khalid Awards (KKA)
King Khalid Awards are a tool for social change and are designed to recognize,encourage and support exceptional achievements in the fields of corporate social responsibility, nonprofit management excellence and social innovation.
King Khalid Nonprofit Excellence Award
Nonprofits play a critical role in enriching and improving the lives of everyone throughout the country. The KKA NPO Excellence Award recognizes management excellence, builds the capacity of NPOs who participate and encourages innovative management practices. Organizations that are well-run perform better, serve their communities better and contribute in a more significant way to the country’s overall social development.
By requiring and helping NPOs to conduct a comprehensive review of their management practices, as part of the application process, NPO Excellence Award assists NPOs to become responsible, accountable, transparent and effective in their management and governance practices.
The goals of the King Khalid Nonprofit Excellence Award program are to:
- Recognize excellent management and governance practices by NPOs
- Build the capacity and skills of NPOs’ management and governance practices
- Raise public awareness of excellent management practices and innovative management ideas
- Build and empower networks of leading practitioners
The award is open to all nonprofit organizations registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs.The top three nonprofit organizations participating in the Award – those that demonstrate excellent management practices – will receive the prestigious King Khalid Award for Nonprofit Management Excellence that will be presented at the KKF Gala Awards Ceremony.
King Khalid Development Partners Award
In order to find solutions to the chronic and complex social challenges we face as a society, we must work together as a community. We believe that there are thousands of concerned Saudi citizens and residents who have quietly and tirelessly been working on finding solutions for pressing social issues across the nation. The King Khalid Development Partner’s Award, is an annual award that aims to honor the achievements of these inspiring individuals or groups throughout the country. The Award is open to all Saudi citizens and residents by third party nomination. Development Partners Awards’ goals are to:
- Recognize and honor the achievements of regular people.
- Encourage people to come up with innovative solutions to social challenges.
- Raise awareness about pressing social issues.
- Inspire and set role-models for youth.
- Create networks of innovators.
The carefully selected committee of business, academia, nonprofit and other representatives will evaluate all the submissions and select up to top five most innovative solutions. After that, the winner will be selected by a transparent online public voting process. The Saudi people, both citizens and residents, will be the ones to select the winner of the King Khalid Development Partners Award. This is the first time in history that Saudi citizens and residents will be the ones selecting the winner among their own fellow Saudis.
The winners will receive the prestigious King Khalid Development Patners’s Award which will be presented at a Gala Awards event.Date for the 2015 Awards event will be announced shortly on
King Khalid RCI Award
Responsible Competitiveness is the ability of a company to build competitive advantage through a commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Responsible Competitiveness goes beyond philanthropy initiatives and focuses on aligning CSR practices with business imperatives such as promoting growth, improving profitability, enhancing brand and reputation, and deepening engagement with key stakeholders. Companies with a responsible competitiveness strategy are able to deliver benefits for their business while also delivering positive impacts for their communities, employees, customers, and other stakeholders. In Saudi Arabia, Responsible Competitiveness is key to increasing the Kingdom’s competitiveness at the global level, while also helping the Kingdom to achieve its economic, social and environmental development goals.
Led by the King Khalid Foundation (KKF) and project partner Accountability, the Saudi Responsible Competitiveness Index aims to help businesses improve their competitive performance, as well as their social and environmental impacts, by building their capacity and knowledge of responsible competitiveness strategies. The Index was first introduced in Saudi Arabia in 2008, under the management of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) and with the support of the KKF. Now in its 6th year, the Index is being fully managed by the KKF.
The Index uses a detailed questionnaire to identify how Saudi companies manage social and environmental issues throughout their business’s core operations. Responses to this questionnaire are analyzed through an internationally-recognized framework and evaluation methodology. Companies who submit a complete questionnaire will receive a confidential benchmarking scorecard and customized recommendations to help them improve their performance. The top three companies participating in the Index – those that demonstrate real progress towards responsible competitiveness – received the prestigious King Khalid Award for Responsible Competitiveness which was presented at the KKF Gala Awards Ceremony in December 2014. Date for the 2015 Awards will be announced shortly